OTTO Trinity
OTTO was a revolutionary application that not only made you more money from Mechanical Turk, but changed the way you work as well.
OTTO Trinity continues this legacy and expands its predecessor's reach beyond Mechanical Turk by also adding work from Prolific and Connect into one centralized interface.
You don't flit back and forth between three tabs anymore. You don't wonder what you might be missing. You just spend your time working...instead of looking.
How Much Does OTTO Trinity Cost ?
Currently, a monthly subscription to OTTO Trinity is $10
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It's More than Hits...OTTO Trinity Makes Crowdsource Work Fun Again
OTTO frees you up from staring endlessly at a scraper in hopes of catching Hits, or Pandas. You just set it, and walk away. No more looking back and forth between three sites. Work at your own pace, make more money. OTTO makes this the way it should have been all along.
Does OTTO Trinity Violate mTurk, Prolific, or Connect Policies ?
OTTO Trinity operates in accordance with mTurk, Prolific, and Connect policies. It does not attempt to complete Hits on your behalf. It does not assist in the completion of Hits at all. It does not submit Hits for you. It merely places Hits of your choice into your work que. This is exactly what Panda Crazy currently does...but OTTO performs this task more gracefully, and in connection with its own scraper. OTTO Trinity does not scrape the Prolific or Connect databases. It merely presents the information already available to you all together in one interface.
There are other Applications like this out there. Why should I use this one and not another's ?
No, there are not. Currently, there is no other application available that collates work from all three platforms at the same time. With The OTTO Forum, you always know where you can find us. Our platform, consisting of hundreds of SuperWorker members, is always there to help...and you can always get a reply directly from us in a short amount of time. We work on mTurk, Prolific and Connect every day, year-round. We're known as the most friendly crowdsource user forum on the web.
How Can I Get OTTO Trinity?
OTTO Trinity is currently available to new subscribers. To give it a try, please contact us at admin@theottoforum.com .
If you're not yet a member at the TOF Forum, click the link in the navigation bar above and then register by following the link at the top right of any forum page to register.​
If you're not yet a member of The OTTO Forum, join us. We're the friendliest mTurk worker forum on the web.​